Especially for Girls

Join a club or start a project

Local experiences

Girl Scouts Earn STEM badges and attend STEM-related events.
SWENext The student chapter of Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
Girls Who Code Join a club or start one of your own!
IGED SWE-KC offers Introduce a Girl to Engineering for middle school students in fall and for high school students each February

Projects, competitions and career exploration

NCWIT The National Center for Women & Information Technology sponsors the Aspirations in Computing competition and more.
Technovation Team competition invites girls to identify a problem and build an app and business plan to solve it.
Society of Women Engineers Resources from the Kansas City chapter for middle and high school students
Engineer Girl Explore engineering careers, find competitions.


Dive into the power of computing!

The Girls in Tech KC movement is working to encourage all girls to explore tech and computer science. It’s never too early to start exploring where the powerful world of technology can take you!

Why explore computer science?

In the short-term you can:

  • Unleash your creativity in a whole new way
  • Use computing power to solve real-world problems
  • Make new connections

In the long-term you can find:

  • Jobs that pay 33% more than average
  • More career options because this field is growing faster than average
  • Opportunities to make a difference in the world!

WATCH: KC girls in tech share their stories

Discovering the power of tech through robotics Lincoln Prep student Mame Dia discovered the power of computing through her high school robotics team.


The selfie that could save your life Erin Smith dipped into tech by building a simple Android app as a preteen. But after she began brainstorming some real-world solutions to help patients with Parkinson’s Disease, she knew she needed even more computing power.

I made it happen—and you can, too! Girls from across the KC metro share lessons learned in their own explorations of computer science and tech.

GUIDE: Encouraging girls to get hands-on experience

Hour of Code (and beyond!) has amassed coding activities for all skill levels and interests, including new AI projects.
Girls in Tech KC KC STEM Alliance pairs students with workplaces each year for Computer Science Education Week for coding experiences with women mentors.
Project Lead The Way Ask your guidance counselor about computer science pathways at your school. Many districts in KC offer PLTW computer science courses, which engage students in collaborative projects that help them develop computer science knowledge plus transportable skills like creative thinking and communication.
We Code KC We Code KC offers young people the chance to learn technology concepts and leadership skills. Classes are for all genders ages 7-17.

Explore STEM careers online

Local STEM professionals and students share why STEM matters for girls. Check it out and then explore ways you can dive in!

How to close the gender gap

See what’s working and where we can improve efforts to close the STEM gender gap in Kansas City’s K-12 educational landscape in this synthesis of a five-part series of in-depth discussions.

Resources by age group

These resource lists organized by age group include books, movies, activities and inspiring girls and women to follow as we work together as a community to encourage girls to explore and engage in STEM learning.

Elementary School

Middle School

High School