STEM Connect-KC Calendar


Homeschool STEAM Adventures: Physics in Space

Johnson County Arts and Heritage Center 8788 Metcalf Ave., Overland Park, KS, United States

The Johnson County Arts and Heritage Center invites students ages 8 to 15 to investigate Physics In Space with hands-on projects during this STEAM-focused series. Participants will focus on gravitational forces in space and how they influence the position and movement of gravitational bodies, and...


Homeschool Making & Engineering 1

Johnson County Arts and Heritage Center 8788 Metcalf Ave., Overland Park, KS, United States

The Johnson County Arts & Heritage Center invites students ages 8-11 to participate in this engineering series. Make machines, electrical circuits, custom games and more as you learn how to combine art with engineering to explore and create amazing things. Students will go through the...

Homeschool STEAM Adventures: Pi Day

Johnson County Arts and Heritage Center 8788 Metcalf Ave., Overland Park, KS, United States

The Johnson County Arts and Heritage Center invites students ages 8 to 15 to join in a Pi Day Party! Participants will learn about the mathematical concept of Pi, make Pi necklaces and other themed projects and celebrate Pi with Pie. Learn more and register.


Homeschool STEAM Adventures: Material Sciences

Johnson County Arts and Heritage Center 8788 Metcalf Ave., Overland Park, KS, United States

The Johnson County Arts and Heritage Center invites students ages 8-15 to investigate material sciences with hands-on projects in this STEAM focused series. Participants will look at the properties of different materials, how they act and how they're influenced by outside sources. Students will explore...

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